to My Site.....
Ms Rebekah Roth, Career Flight Attendant: Reveals Cell Calls Were Impossible from Altitude on 9/11/01 and Many Other Facts About That Day!
The Anatomy of a GREAT Deception! We were lied to about 9/11 big time!
Mr William Cooper, Former Briefer To the Pacific Naval Fleet Commander on Intelligence Matters, Predicted 9/11/01 In June of 2001....
Adolph Hitler, The Greatest Story NEVER Told! A Life-Changing Film!
9/11 Missing Links
Honest Jews Tell The Truth About Auschwitz!
Below you will find a collection of films, documentaries and memes, in no certain order, which show visual evidence regarding long-held-beliefs we've been force-fed since day one, but are not necessarily true. Please take your time here and if you have any questions or comments, please email me at: awakened21@protonmail.com. I offer you a chance to free your mind from lies. 9/11/01 Was Used as an EXCUSE to Implement the tyrannical Patriot Act, the draconian Military Commissions Act, and to Increase Government Spying on American Citizens, based on an IMAGINARY Terrorist Threat. These laws and others laid the groundwork for Martial Law. The Events of that Day Were not What they seemed to be! Watch the Films Below to See for Yourself how "WE THE PEOPLE" have been Bamboozled and Lied to! Also, Watch the Other Films here Regarding Little-Known Truths about WWII, The Hollow-hoax, Adolph Hitler, Covid, and Jews. These Films have Changed My Life, and they Can Change Yours Too! Our Precious Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Way of Life have been Attacked by Sinister and Powerful Forces that Work Behind the Scenes, and Who are REALLY Responsible for 9/11/01....DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION! REVOLUTION! NOW! (Disclaimer, this site is for information purposes only and is not-for-profit. However, donations are appreciated! All films and memes are in the public domain) AMERICAN SOLIDARITY. Thanks, D Randall Ashcraft